Performance Management FAQs
General FAQs
- How do I update my listed manager or job title?
- I am a part-time benefited staff member. Do I need to complete a performance review?
- How do I use the Talent@DU platform?
- What is my username and password for Talent@DU?
- How do I reset my password or change my username?
- Are performance reviews required for employees who are on leave?
- I am retiring this year. Do I need to complete a performance review?
- Where can I find past performance reviews for employees who are now reporting to me?
- What performance management key terms should I know?
Performance Planning FAQs
- How do I write my job goals and objectives?
- Must employees align their job goals and objectives with divisional goals and the five competencies?
- How do I search for my supervisor's goals or divisional goals?
- How do I search for another team member's goals?
- What if my division leader did not set divisional goals?
- I had an interim role during the performance planning year. How will this affect my job goals and objectives?
- What if I need help setting my job goals and objectives?
- Should I attach my job description to my performance plan? Will it be visible to my manager?
- How can I make edits, modifications, or other changes to my job goals and objectives?
- I am a faculty member who has been assigned job goals and objectives. What should I do?
- When will my job goals and objectives be evaluated?
- Can I change the start and due dates of my job goals and objectives?
- Can my job goals and objectives be future-dated?
- What is the difference between development objectives and future/career development objectives?
- Why can't I see my goals after submitting the first part of my performance plan?
- How can I complete the performance planning process if I can't access Talent@DU?
Quarterly Check-In FAQs
- Are quarterly check-ins required?
- Am I required to document my quarterly check-in in my performance plan?
- Who initiates quarterly check-ins?
Performance Review FAQs
- What if my supervisor changed during the past performance cycle?
- How do I view my completed year-end performance review?
- What if I can't find my job description?
- How can I include documents demonstrating projects or work accomplished over the past year?
- How do I rate myself on a competency that does not apply to my job?
- Priorities changed and I was not able to complete one of my goals or objectives. How do I rate myself?
- What if I changed roles this year and the goals on my appraisal form are from my old job?
- What if I disagree with my manager's ratings or comments?
- How will I know when my performance review is complete?
- Can I change my self-review ratings after submitting the form to my manager?