Market Demand Analysis

New degrees or majors require a formal market demand analysis. The Offices of Undergraduate Admission, or Graduate Education, will assist departments in creating market analyses. The completed market analysis should be included with the concept proposal and uploaded with the final curriculum proposal.

Some new programs will have substantial synergy with existing programs while still other proposals require standalone offerings. The Market analysis must include the following basic market-related information: 

  • Academic College:
  • Name of proposed Degree/Major:
  • Degree Description:
  • Degree Rationale:
    • Brief description/justification
    • How is the program aligned with DU’s mission/vision/goals? How will the program support your college’s mission/vision/goals? Align with the unit’s strategic planning?
    • Known competitors offering the program 
    • Competitors in Colorado offering the program
    • What is informing you that the market will support another program in this field and how will this program differ from existing programs at competitor schools? 
  • Impact on enrollment/existing programs:
    • How many new students are expected to enroll each fall, and how many total majors are anticipated once the program has four classes of students? 
    • What types of students/demographic characteristics will this program influence? How will this program support DU’s enrollment goals? 
  • Employment Data/Landscape:
    • What types of careers and what specific jobs will graduates be prepared to work in after receiving this degree?
    • Will students be competitive to directly enter the workforce, or will a graduate degree most likely be required?
    • Please provide the Standard Occupational Classification/s (SOC) to ensure the market analysis is aligned with the respective field/jobs: 

Required Resources (if any).