Faculty DEI Resources

The Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion supports faculty in your DEI efforts throughout all aspects of your work. Please see below to locate current information and resources on faculty hiring and resources for how faculty can integrate DEI into the curriculum.

Faculty Hiring

The University of Denver is strongly committed to the pursuit of excellence by including and integrating individuals who represent different social groups. By achieving and maintaining a multicultural constituency of administrators, faculty and staff, we as an institution can gain an edge in educational and research opportunities and in preparing students for living and working in an increasingly diverse and global society.

The Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is available to support the efforts of hiring managers to conduct search processes that are fair and include a large and diverse pool of applicants in order to make these gains for the University's mission and community. All members of DU faculty search committees must complete training prior to starting the search process. If you would like to schedule a search committee training for a staff or administrative level hire, please reach out to the DEI division at inclusion@du.edu. 

Register for Faculty Search Committee Training, Fall 2024


Inclusive Teaching Practices - Office of Teaching & Learning

The Division of DEI collaborates with the Office of Teaching and Learning (OTL), which leads DEI initiatives that involve curricular, classroom, faculty development and assessment practices.

Inclusive teaching practices require us to engage the wealth of intersecting social identities and positionalities that faculty and students bring to the classroom. Whether face-to-face or online, inclusion must not be an afterthought. Rather, it should permeate every aspect of curriculum and course design, classroom management, and assessment of teaching and learning (Valentina Iturbe-LaGrave, 2018).

Visit the Inclusive Teaching Practices Website

Faculty of Color Association (FOCA)

The DU Faculty of Color Association (FOCA) is a voluntary empowerment and advocacy group composed of faculty members from under-represented racial and ethnic groups within the University community.

To get connected with FOCA email co-chairs Dr. Apryl Alexander or Brian Gonzales, MSW.

Diversity, Equity, and, Inclusion Curriculum Resources

The following resources and information are offered in support of faculty efforts to create more inclusive classrooms.  If you have suggestions for a resource or event that should be included on this page, please send information about the item to inclusion@du.edu.