Withdrawal & Readmission

Students who wish to no longer be enrolled at the University are typically able to withdraw through the eighth week of the quarter. Depending on the specific timing and circumstances of this decision, including whether the withdrawing student plans to be readmitted, the procedure for the applicable withdrawal type outlined below should be followed. Please consult Calendars & Deadlines for official withdrawal deadlines.

Notification of Intent to Withdraw

Once the decision to withdraw has been made, a withdrawal request should be submitted as soon as possible to the Registrar's office via My4D, Search for Withdraw from DU or Records and Request. Under Request and Other Actions, click on Withdraw from DU link. The date you submit this notification will be recorded as your official date of withdrawal.

Automatic Withdrawal Period

All students on the quarter system may drop classes without instructor approval during the automatic withdrawal period, which runs through the sixth week of the quarter. However, if you are failing, your instructor may deny your withdrawal request. Classes dropped during the first week will be deleted from the record. For classes dropped after the first week, you'll receive a withdrawal grade notation of "W." This will not factor into your GPA.

Post–Automatic Withdrawal Period

Instructor approval via a signed add/drop form is required to withdraw from courses after the automatic withdrawal period, during the seventh and eighth weeks of the quarter. After the eighth week, withdrawals are no longer allowed, although students in extenuating circumstances may file a petition for exception to academic policy.

Types of Withdrawals