What to Expect

Once You've Submitted Your Application For Review

After your application is formally submitted in IRBNet, it will be placed in the IRBNet queue and the status of your application will reflect that it is "pending review". This status of your project will remain as "pending review" until your project is approved, issued an exempt certification, or a formal stipulation letter is issued by the Full Board changing the status to "deferred-modification required" or "deferred-information required".

Once your submission is in the IRBNet queue, it will be assigned to one of the IRB Administrators who will communicate with you via Project Mail throughout the entire review and approval process. Communication will be sent directly to the PI, using the email account that was entered when the IRBNet project account was set up.

If your project will require Full Board Review at a monthly meeting, the IRB Administrator will:

  • Assign it to the next possible meeting agenda;
  • Notify you of the meeting date, deadlines and and other requirements prior to the IRB meeting; and
  • Work with you to ensure your project is complete for the meeting.

If your project will NOT require Full Board Review (i.e., if it qualifies as an expedited or exempt review project), you will work directly with the designated reviewer on any revisions or requirements until the research project may be approved.

What to Expect While the Review is in Progress