Comprehensive Campus Climate Review

Impact Area: Give DEI power, authority, and accountability

View the DEI Action Plan for 2020-2021

Conduct a comprehensive review of DEI campus climate workgroups, studies, reports, and student demands followed by regular updates and consistent use of data.

Action Item Details

There exists an already deep body of institutional knowledge about the past and current challenges of DEI work at DU. It is important to share that knowledge and vigilantly examine and communicate where DU needs to acknowledge and honor the progress we have already made. This action item, to be conducted over the 2020-21 academic year, will identify where we need to invest greater time, thought, and resources in relation to our past knowledge and current needs.  

Online archive of previous DEI work and reports 

By January 1, 2021, all previous reports, recommendations, assessments, and student demands from the past five years will be documented on the re-imagined DEI portal website. There will be executive summaries of progress. We will identify gaps and create plans with details about prioritization to address them.  

Comprehensive assessment strategy to understand, use, and communicate data 

By spring 2021 and in partnership with Institutional Research (IR) and the DEI Steering Committee, DU will develop a comprehensive assessment strategy with clearly articulated metrics. There will be an intentional sharing of this information and education for the campus community. This information might live on the IR website, linked to on the ODEI website, or vice-versa. 

Current and future assessment plans 

During the fall of 2020, students will receive the Culturally Engaging Campus Environment (CECE) survey. The CECE survey will be administered every two years to and inform DEI planning and progress. 

Future data and identity identification 

The DEI Steering Committee will work with IR during the 2020-21 academic year to standardize and make more relevant all the data used to chart the progress of DEI work. Currently, there are inconsistencies and gaps in DU’s ability to identify, understand, and communicate with minoritized groups.  


The Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (ODEI), will partner with Marketing and Communications to allocate resources to ensure all DEI web content is consistent and updated and to more regularly embed DEI progress and related items of interest in internal communications as well as print and other media, including DU social media.



  • Culturally Engaging Campus Environment (CECE) survey

    October 2020

    This month marks the next phase of our research in Student Affairs and Inclusive Excellence using the Culturally Engaging Campus Environments (CECE) Survey. The survey is designed to bring us insight about social, cultural, and community experiences among our undergraduate, graduate, and law students. The survey will be available online until 12/4. Students have all received an email invitation with a unique link to complete the survey. We are hopeful that we can capture as many student voices in this research as possible. One of the goals is to gather enough data to inform specific departments and areas of student support in order to provide meaningful and informative data for the DU Community. 

    This research has been reviewed and approved by the University of Denver Institutional Review Board. We look forward to partnering with you in this endeavor as we continue to support our student community. 

    Tell us about your cultural engagement experience as a student at DU! We invite you to voice your experience by completing the Culturally Engaging Campus Environments (CECE) survey. Our goal is to learn more about your social, cultural, and community experiences as a student.  As a small gesture of our appreciation for your time, upon completion of the survey, you will be entered for a chance to win a $100 DU Flex Account credit (15 chances to win). You should have an email in your inbox with a unique survey link to the survey.  Survey participation is completely voluntary, and your name will never be shared with your individual responses on the survey.  If you have any questions, or trouble finding your survey link, please email researcher Lynda Duran at


Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Student Affairs & Inclusive Excellence

Human Resources & Inclusive Community

Institutional Research & Analysis

Division of Marketing & Communication

The Cultural Center

DEI Steering Committee