Academic Credentials by Country
Not sure which application documents you need to submit as an international applicant? Not to worry! Scroll and click your school country of origin below to display your academic credential requirements. Upon admission, your secondary school must submit final official transcripts directly to our office before you matriculate at DU.
If your country of education is not listed, you can contact the office of International Student Admission at for additional information. If you have general questions or concerns about the international application process, please don't hesitate to contact your international admission counselor.
Region First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) New South Wales Transcripts for grades 9 through 11 -Transcripts for grades 9 through 12
-Proof of graduation
-New South Wales Higher School Certificate
Northern Territory Transcripts for grades 9 through 11 -Transcripts for grades 9 through 12
-Proof of graduation
-Northern Territory Certificate of Education
Queensland Transcripts for grades 9 through 11 -Transcripts for grades 9 through 12
-Proof of graduation
-Northern Territory Certificate of Education
South Australia Transcripts for grades 9 through 11 -Transcripts for grades 9 through 12
-Proof of graduation
-South Australia Certificate of Education
Tasmania Transcripts for grades 9 through 11 -Transcripts for grades 9 through 12
-Proof of graduation
-Tasmania Certificate of Education
Victoria Transcripts for grades 9 through 11 -Transcripts for grades 9 through 12
-Proof of graduation
-Victoria Certificate of Education
Western Australia Transcripts for grades 9 through 11 -Transcripts for grades 9 through 12
-Proof of graduation
-Australia Certificate of Education
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) In progress secondary school transcripts -Transcripts for grades 10 through12
-Grade 12 graduation certificate (also known as Baccalauria/Baccalaureate Certificate)
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Transcripts for grades 11 through 12 (in progress) -Official final transcripts
-Proof of graduation (includes Titulo de Bachiller [Secondary School Graduation Certificate]; Bachillerato Especiakizado [Secondary School Graduation Certificate with Specialization]; Certificado de Tecnico [Technician Certificate]; Perito Mercantil [business/commercial expert]; Certificado de Educacion Polimodal [Certificate of Polimodal Education])
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Transcripts for grades 9 through 11/12 -Final transcripts,
-Proof of graduation (includes Reifeprufungszeugnis [Maturity Exam Certificate]; Zeugnis udber die Berufsreifeprufung/also Berufsreifeprufungszeugnis [Vocational Maturity Certifcate]; Reife-und Diplomprufungszeugnis [Maturity and Diploma Exam Certificate])
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Senior Secondary Certificate (SSC) and grade 11 transcripts Senior Secondary Certificate (SSC) and Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC)
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Transcripts for grades 9 through 11/12 Official final transcripts, Certificat d'Enseignement Secondaire Superieur (CESS) [Certificate of Higher Secondary Education] or other leaving exam
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Transcripts for grades 9 through 11 Official final transcripts, Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) or Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) Advanced Proficiency Examinations/Diploma (CAPE)
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Transcripts for grades 9 through 11 Final transcripts for grades 9 through 12 and proof of high school graduation
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) GCSE/IGCSE/O-Level certificate and AS-Level (and internal results if available) GCSE/IGCSE/O-Level certificate and GCE A-Level certificate sent directly from the testing agency (Cambridge, AQA, EDexel, etc.)
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Transcripts for years 9 through 11; 7th semester grades if available -Transcripts for years 11 through 13
-Graduation certificate
Region First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Alberta Transcripts for grades 10 through 11 -Transcripts for grades 10 through 12
-Results from Ministry of Education
British Columbia Transcripts for grades 10 through 11 -Transcripts for grades 10 through 12
-Results from Ministry of Education
Manitoba Transcripts for grades 10 through 11 -Transcripts for grades 10 through 12
-Results from Ministry of Education
New Brunswick Transcripts for grades 10 through 11 -Transcripts for grades 10 through 12
-Results from Ministry of Education
Nova Scotia Transcripts for grades 10 through 11 -Transcripts for grades 10 through 12
-Results from Ministry of Education
Ontario Transcripts for grades 9 through 11 -Transcripts for grades 9 through 12
-Results from Ministry of Education
Quebec Transcripts for grades 9 through 12 Transcripts for grades 9 through 12/13 and results from Ministry of Education including CEGEP (College d'Enseignement General Et Professionnel) Saskatchewan Transcripts for grades 10 through 11 -Transcripts for grades 10 through 12
-Results from Ministry of Education
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Transcripts for grades 10 through 11 Transcripts for grades 10 through 12 and proof of graduation (Licencia de Educacion Media)
Caribbean Territories
Region First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Anguilla
Antigua and Barbuda
British Virgin Islands
Cayman Islands
The Dominican Republic
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Trinidad and Tobago
Turks and Caicos Islands
Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) exam certificates, grade 12 transcripts Caribbean Examinations Council (CSEC) and Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations (CAPE) certificates
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Transcripts for grades 10 through 11 Transcripts for grades 10 through 12 and graduation certificate/diploma
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Transcripts for grades 9 through 11 Transcripts for grades 9 through 11 and proof of graduation
Costa Rica
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Transcripts for grades 10 through 11 -Official final transcripts
-Proof of graduation (Bachillerato/Bachiller [Secondary School Diploma]; Diploma de Conclusion de Estudios de Educacion Diversificada [Diploma of Conclusion of Studies of Diversified Education]; Certificado de Conclusion de Estudios de Educacion Media en a specialized area [Secondary School Certificate in a Specialized Area])
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Unofficial Transcripts; 7th semester if available -Official final transcripts
-Graduation certificate
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Transcripts for grades 10 through 11 -Official final transcripts for grades 10 through 12
-Proof of graduation
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Transcripts for grades 10 through 11 Official final transcripts for grades 10 through 12
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Ethiopian General Secondary Education Certificate (EGSEC) and grade 11 transcripts -Ethiopian General Secondary Education Certificate (EGSEC)
-Ethiopian Higher Education Entrance Examination (EHEEE) National Exam Certificates
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Transcripts for 10 through 11/12, with all trimester grades Final official transcripts for grades 10 through 12/13 (all trimester grades)
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Transcripts for grades 10 through 11 (including all trimester grades) Final official transcripts for grades 10 through 12 (including all trimester grades)
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Transcripts for grades 10 through 11 -Transcripts for grades 10 through 12
-West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) certificate OR WASSCE results verification information (serial and PIN numbers, exam grade, and type for online verification purposes)
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Transcripts for grades 10 through 11 (in-progress transcripts) -Final official transcripts
-Proof of graduation (Bachillerato/Bachiller en Ciencias y Letras [Secondary School Diploma in Sciences and Letters]; Perito Comercial, Industrial, Agricola, Tecnico [Certificate/Diploma - Completion of Technical/Vocational Secondary Education])
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Transcripts for grades 10 through 11 -Final official transcripts for grades 10 through 12
-Proof of graduation (Bachillerato/Bachiller en Ciencias y Letras)
Hong Kong S.A.R.
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Transcripts for grades 10 through 11 -Final official transcript
-Copy of HKDSE Certificate
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Grade 10 Standard X Board Exam Certificate and internal grade 11 transcripts Standard X AND Standard XII Indian Board Exam Certificates
International Baccalaureate (IB)
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Transcripts for grades 10 through 11* (predicted grades are to be provided if available)
*If you attend an IB school, we will need a transcript for grade 9 from the Middle-Years Program (MYP)
Final IB results should be sent from the IB organization directly to the office of Undergraduate Admission following the instructions on the IB Order webpage
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Transcripts for grades 9 through 11 -Final official transcripts
-Proof of graduation (such as Metevaseth [National High School Diploma])
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Transcripts for grades 10 through 11/12 -Final official transcripts
-Record of Leaving Certificate Examination
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Transcripts for grades 9 through 12 Final official transcripts for grades 9 through 13
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Transcripts for grades 10 through 11 -Final official transcripts for grades 10 through 12
-Proof of graduation
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Transcripts for grades 9 through 11 Final official transcripts for grades 10 through 12
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) -Transcripts for grades 9 through 11 (in-progress)
-Information on the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) exam plans
-Final official transcripts for grades 9 through 12
-KCSE documents
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Transcripts for grades 9 through 11 Final official transcripts for grades 9 through 12
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Transcripts for grades 9 through 11 Final official transcripts for grades 9 through 12
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Transcripts for grades 10 through 11 Final official transcripts for grades 10 through 12
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Transcripts for grades 10 through 11 Final official transcripts for grades 9 through 12
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Transcripts for grades 10 through 11 Transcripts for grades 10 through 12
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) -Grade 11 transcripts
-Senior Leaving Certificate (SLC)
-Senior Leaving Certificate (SLC)
-Higher Senior Certificate (HSC)
New Zealand
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) All New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) transcripts, showing levels 1 through 3 All New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) "Statement of Achievement", showing levels 1 through 3
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Transcripts for grades 10 through 11 -Transcripts for grades 10 through 12
-West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) certificate*
*WASSCE serial and PIN numbers are acceptable for online verification; however, the final WASSCE certificate is required after it's issued
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Transcripts for grades 10 through 11/12 -Transcripts for grades 10 through 12/13
-Upper Vitnemal
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) -Internal Grade 11 transcripts
-Pakistan Secondary School Certificate (SLC) issued by the Examination Board
Examination Board issued certificates:
-Pakistan Secondary School Certificate (SLC)
-Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC)
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Transcripts for grades 9 through 11 Transcripts for grades 9 through 12
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) -Transcripts for grades 9 through 11
-Transcripts for grades 10 through 12
-Transcripts for grades 9 through 12
-Transcripts for grades 10 through 13
Saudi Arabia
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Transcripts for grades 10 through 11 Transcripts for grades 10 through 12
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) -Transcripts for grades 11 through 12
-Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education (GCE) Ordinary Level (O-Level)
-Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education (GCE) Ordinary Level (O-Level) and Advanced Level (A-Level)
South Africa
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Transcripts for grades 10 through 12 -Transcripts for grades 10 through 12
-National Senior Certificate (NSC)
South Korea
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Transcripts for grades 10 through 11 Transcripts for grades 10 through 12
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Transcripts for grades 10 through 11 -Transcripts for grades 10 through 12
-Secondary School Leaving Certificate
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Transcripts for grades 10 through 11 Transcripts for grades 10 through 12
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Transcripts for grades 10 through 11 Transcripts for grades 10 through 12
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Transcripts for grades 9 through 11 Transcripts for grades 9 through 12
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) -Internal results for grade 11
-Ugandan Certificate of Education (UCE)
-Ugandan Certificate of Education (UCE)
-Advanced Certificate of Education (ACE)
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) -Transcripts for grades 10 through 11 (if on a 12-year system)
-Transcripts for grades 9 through 10 (if on a 11-year system)
United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.)
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Transcripts for grades 10 through 11 -Transcripts for grades 10 through 12
-Secondary School Certificate
United Kingdom
Regions First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) -England
-Northern Ireland
-General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) certificates and predicated Advanced Level (A-Level), if available
Business and Technology Education Council (BTEC) qualifications:
-BTEC Higher Nationals Level 3
-General Certificate of Education (GCE) /General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) / Advanced Level (A-Level) Exam Certificates*
*A statement of results or provisional results can be accepted before your final certificate is sent directly from the testing board
Business and Technology Education Council (BTEC) qualifications:
-BTEC Higher National Certificate (HNC) Level 4
-BTEC Higher National Diploma (HND)
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) Transcripts for grades 10 through 11 Transcripts for grades 10 through 12
First-Year (high school in-progress) First-Year (graduated high school) -Transcripts for grades 12 through 13
-Zimbabwe General Certificate of Education (GCE) Certificate
-Zimbabwe General Certificate of Education (GCE) for grade 11
-Zimbabwe GCE Advanced Level for grade 13