How to Register

Catch-up or get ahead by registering for Summer Session courses taught by our world-class faculty. Ensure a seat in your classes of choice by registering as early as possible. Courses with low enrollment may be cancelled at the discretion of the University. Although academic advising is not required, we do recommend meeting with an advisor to help plan your Summer experience.

A student lying on a couch and looking at her laptop

Current Undergraduate Students

Web registration opens March 3, 2025 for degree-seeking Undergraduate DU students who are currently enrolled in Spring quarter. Access My4D to register.

Newly admitted first-year and transfer students should schedule an academic advising appointment. Students in need of orientation and registration information should email and review general Discoveries information.

student sitting in lawn chair with bicycle

Visiting Undergraduate Students

Registration for visiting undergraduate students begins March 3, 2025 with open enrollment during the Summer Session. Students planning to enroll without the intention of obtaining a DU degree will be considered visiting students.

To search and register for Summer@DU classes:

  1. Access the online class schedule to search for classes (select Summer Quarter)
  2. You can narrow search results to fit your needs with instructions on how to search for classes.
  3. Gather the relevant information to register for classes: Course Registration Number (CRN), Subject, Course #, Section #, and Credits.

Complete the Summer Quarter Visiting Student Registration form and send it to the Office of the Registrar for processing.

DU students sitting outside at community commons

Graduate Students

Web registration opens March 3, 2025 for current and visiting graduate students. Current students may register for classes through My4D while visiting students must complete the Summer Quarter Visiting Student Registration form and/or the Application for Graduate Admission and Registration Special Status if the student does not intend to pursue a degree program. Newly admitted graduate students will receive registration information, including dates, from their college or school. Visit the Office of the Registrar for more information.

group of students sitting outdoors in circle

High School Students

Want to get a headstart on your academic career and explore subjects you can’t study in high school? Contact the Early Experience Program at 303.871.2036 or via email at to find out more.

blooming tree

Register for Summer classes

Register Now
