Registration Video Library

Below you will find short, informative videos that will walk you through the mechanics of preparing for registration, completing DU's billing agreement, registering for classes and creating course plans.

Please watch every video in order from top to bottom before creating course plans and registering for classes. More detailed information on how to register for classes is available in our Registration Instructions.

Note: All videos have closed captions, and the link above each video will open a new tab that will allow you to watch the video in full screen (lower right-hand corner).

Summary of Registration Messages and Errors you may Encounter


For questions about registration, contact or call 303-871-4095.

A recording of the Registration How-to Webinar is available here.

Preparing for Registration

Billing Agreement

Registration Part 1

Registration Part 2

Using the Plan Ahead Feature

Use this feature to build up to five possible course schedules. 

Registration & Advising Contact Information

For questions about registration issues including errors, contact or call 303-871-4095.

For questions about academic advising or course planning, contact