Community Service Work-Study Employers

Are you a nonprofit or government agency in Colorado that improves the quality of life for community residents? You may be eligible to become part of the community service work-study program!

What is the Community Service Work-Study Program?

This program allows students to utilize their work-study (part of their financial aid offer) to earn money to help finance their education through part-time employment. Partnerships between the University of Denver and community-service agencies are mutually beneficial to students and organizations, as students engage in meaningful service designed to meet community needs, and agencies share the responsibility of compensation with the federal government. An organization that employs a student with work-study is expected to cover only 30% of the student's wages.

We define community service as actions designed to improve the quality of life for community residents, particularly low-income residents. Fields that typically meet this definition are: health care; child care; literacy training; welfare; social services; transportation; housing and neighborhood improvement; public safety; crime prevention and control; recreation; rural development; urban and rural revitalization; conservation; reforestation; and community improvement.

Do you qualify to be a Community Service Work-Study employer?

The university will consider requests to enter into contractual agreements with public agencies and local private non-profit organizations based upon the following criteria:

  1. Agency must be a public or private non-profit organization.
  2. Employment must not result in the displacement of other employees.
  3. Work must be in the public interest.
  4. Work cannot require religious or political involvement.
  5. Work does not involve the construction, operation or maintenance of any facility used or to be used for sectarian instruction or as a place of religious worship.
  6. Employer will provide meaningful work. Preferably work will enhance the student’s educational objectives.
  7. Agency agrees to adhere to both work-study and DU student employment guidelines outlined in the policy guide and website.
  8. Employer must provide adequate supervision and training for the student employed and must verify hours worked.
  9. Students in this program are considered DU employees and the agency understands they are responsible for 30% of the student’s total earnings, payable to DU. Billing occurs at the end of every quarter.
view of downtown denver

Steps to Become a Community Service Work-Study Employer

If you're ready to become an employer in our Community Service Work-Study program, follow these steps.

  • Step One: Enroll in Program

    To enroll, you'll need to complete and submit two forms for review:

    1. Request to Participate and Job Description Form 
      With this form, you'll need to attach a copy of the Articles of Incorporation for Non-Profit status designating the 501c3 tax status (not required for government agencies) as well as your agency's bylaws or business charter.
    2. Community Service Work-Study Program Agreement (contract)

    If your agency is approved to participate in the program, confirmation and hiring process instructions will be emailed to you. Agreements are signed electronically by both the agency and DU, and you will receive an electronic copy.

    Agreements run from the beginning of July to the end of DU’s academic spring quarter (usually mid-June). Renewal is NOT automatic. You must re-apply each year. The Work-Study Program will send you a renewal notice as a reminder.

    The following must occur first before a student can begin working at your agency:

    1. The contract has been signed by both DU and your agency,
    2. the position is posted in Pioneer Careers Online and an applicant has been selected, and
    3. a background check has been completed for the student. If a student wasn’t an employee in the last year, they will need to have this done before we can process the hire.

    If you have questions about the program or the application procedure or have problems completing these forms, please contact Mai Kitch, Assistant Director of Student Employment, Work-Study Program at or 303-871-4090.

  • Step Two: Post Your Job

    All work-study-approved jobs must be entered in Pioneer Careers Online (PCO). Per Colorado’s Equal Pay for Equal Work Act and the Office of Student Employment, all paid student positions must be posted and available for eligible candidates to apply.


    Questions about posting your job? Contact DU Career & Professional Development at

  • Step Three: Approve Timesheets

    All work-study employees are hourly and paid bi-weekly. Students clock in and out through PioneerTime (DU’s electronic timesheet); instructions are provided to them.

    Timesheets will be emailed to their off-campus supervisor at the end of every pay period to confirm hours worked. Any edits and approvals must be made before noon on Mondays.

  • Step Four: Monitor Work-Study Award

    Due to limited funding, not all students who would otherwise be eligible will be offered work-study. The amount a student is offered is the maximum amount they can earn for the academic year. Typical award amounts offered are:

    • $2,500 for first-year undergraduates
    • $3,000 for 2nd-, 3rd, and 4th-year undergraduates
    • $5,000 for graduate students

    Work-study employees are able to monitor their earnings against their total award in their My4D account. Please be aware that award amounts can change throughout the year due to adjustments to the student’s financial aid offer.

    If you have any questions, please contact Mai Kitch at

  • Step Five: Pay Invoice

    The Work-Study Program will send invoices after the end of each quarter during the academic year that shows the student’s total earnings for that term and the 30% share.

    If you require DU's W-9 form, please visit the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.

  • Step Six: Renew Your Contract

    Agreements are effective from July to June of the following year, and you must renew your contract every year to continue participating in the program. To renew, please complete these two forms:

    1. Renewal Request and Job Description Form
    2. Community Service Work-Study Program Agreement (contract)

    An agreement signed by both DU and your agency must be in place before you can proceed with job postings and hiring of work-study employees.

    If you have questions about the renewal procedure, please contact Mai Kitch at

Important Dates and Resources

Important Work-Study Dates

  • May 16, 2024 - Last day semester (law) students can work using their 2023-24 work-study
  • June 13, 2024 - Last day all other students can work using their 2023-24 work-study
  • July 1, 2024 - First day students who have work-study for 2024-25 can begin working
  • September 1, 2024 - Deadline for students to accept work-study in My4D

Contact Us

Work-Study Office

For questions specific to the work-study program at DU.

M-F 9:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.