Cost of Attendance

What is the cost of attendance?

Every student who applies for financial aid is assigned a cost of attendance (COA). This COA—sometimes referred to as a "student budget"—serves two purposes:

  1. to give you an estimate of the cost to attend DU for one year, and
  2. to set a limit on the amount of financial aid you can receive during the academic year (which federal regulations require us to do).

This means your actual expenses may be different from what's listed on your financial aid offer, and the total amount of your aid—including scholarships, grants, loans and work-study—can't exceed your total cost of attendance.

Direct Costs vs. Indirect Costs

Components in the cost of a college education are divided into two categories: the direct costs that are billed by the University, and the indirect costs of living in/near Denver. When we calculate eligibility for financial aid, we account for both types of costs.

Direct Costs (Billed by DU):Indirect Costs (Paid by the Student):
  • Off-campus housing and food
  • Books, course materials, supplies, and equipment
  • Transportation
  • Personal expenses


photo of students studying

Cost of Attendance Examples

2025-2026 Academic Year

For all traditional undergraduate programs, tuition is $1,718 per credit. However, students enrolled between 12-18 credits in a quarter are charged a flat rate of $20,616.

The examples below are based on a student enrolled in the fall, winter and spring quarters of the 2025-2026 academic year.

students studying

Cost of Attendance Examples

2024-25 Academic Year

For all traditional undergraduate programs, tuition is $1,668 per credit. However, students enrolled between 12-18 credits in a quarter are charged a flat rate of $20,016.

The examples below are based on a student enrolled in the fall, winter and spring quarters of the 2024-2025 academic year.

red chairs on campus

Tuition and Fees

2025-26 Tuition Rates:

  • For all traditional undergraduate programs, tuition is $1,718 per credit. However, students enrolled between 12-18 credits in a quarter are charged a flat rate of $20,616.
  • The tuition rate for students enrolled in the College of Professional Studies Bachelor's Completion program is $781.


2024-25 Tuition Rates:

  • For all traditional undergraduate programs, tuition is $1,668 per credit. However, students enrolled between 12-18 credits in a quarter are charged a flat rate of $20,016.
  • The tuition rate for students enrolled in the College of Professional Studies Bachelor's Completion program is $755.


Student Fees:

These are the most common fees assessed to undergraduate students. Some courses may have additional fees not listed here, and a late registration fee is assessed to most students who have not registered by the first day of classes. For more information about billing and tuition payments, visit the Office of Student Billing website.

Annual Fees
Fee2024-25 Amount2025-26 AmountWhen Fee is Assessed
Technology Fee$4/credit$4/creditEvery quarter
Health Insurance*$1,885$1,990Fall and spring quarters only
Health & Counseling Fee**$241$250Every quarter
Activity Fee - 6-11 credit hours$59$63Every quarter
Activity Fee - 12+ credit hours$161$168Every quarter
RTD College Pass$43$43Every quarter
Korbel School of International Studies Student Fee$30$30Every quarter
Lamont School of Music Student Fee$95$95Every quarter
Agency Sponsored Student Fee$150$150Every quarter

*Most students are automatically enrolled in the Student Health Insurance Plan. You may waive participation in this program if you are covered under another insurance plan.

**The health and counseling fee is automatically assessed each term to students registered in six or more credits and covers many services provided at the Health & Counseling Center. This fee is mandatory for undergraduate students.

aerial view of campus

79% of financial aid for undergraduate students is in the form of scholarships and grants


Additional Cost of Attendance Notes

  • If you apply for aid, your financial aid offer will itemize the costs that make up your individual student budget (which vary annually).
  • Federal regulations require us to set a limit on the amount of aid you can receive. This means your total aid—including scholarships, grants, loans, work-study and other resources (such as AmeriCorps and employer-paid tuition benefits)—cannot exceed your cost of attendance.
  • The budgets above do not include costs for the summer quarter. Eligibility for financial aid for the summer is limited; if you need financial aid for the summer, you must complete a separate application in the spring.
  • To be fair and to stay in compliance with federal regulations, we cannot change student budgets based on discretionary expenses. We may, however, be able to make adjustments to your cost of attendance for reasons outlined on the Budget Adjustment Form. These decisions are made on a case-by-case basis and do not guarantee additional financial aid.
  • Direct costs are determined by the University of Denver. For indirect costs, we use our own research and the recommended guidelines published by the Colorado Department of Higher Education. Most figures change slightly every year.



Financial Aid