Creating connections, building community

Throughout the year, C+V hosts events, speakers, webinars, and discussions and carries out various initiatives to create connections and build a sense of belonging at the University of Denver. C+V is working to create programs and events that help our community feel connected and supported. 

If you have an event idea, we would love to hear it! Please email to connect with us.


Past Event: Community Coffee Hours—Winter Quarter



The C+V initiative hosted their Winter Coffee hours twice this quarter. The coffee hours are meant to have dialogue with the community on topics like how to increase safety on campus.



Past Event: C+V Values Work


Students, faculty, staff, administrators and alumni were asked to discuss the values we hold and take part in training to help further those ideals throughout the DU community.


Past Event: Community Talks


On Tuesday, Jan. 14, more than 150 members of the DU community gathered in Maglione Hall for the first Community + Values event of 2020.The first in a series of “Community Talks” addressed creative ideas for building community through the voices of four of our community members: an alumnus, faculty member, undergraduate student and coach.

These highly individual and captivating talks explored the question of how to create community on a new planet where none exists. We heard how concepts of planting seeds of kindness, empathy and compassion, unity with trust, and embracing differences during adversity all play a crucial role in establishing healthy and thriving communities.


Past Event: Community Coffee Hours—Fall Quarter



Students, staff, faculty, and administrators across campus shared food and drinks while engaging in meaningful dialogue about their sense of belonging on and around campus. 



Past Event: Community + Values Ice Cream Truck



Partnering with 1Day4DU and May Days, Community + Values brought ice cream trucks to campus and asked faculty, staff, students and alumni questions that centered around belonging. Questions we asked included “how has DU changed you? and how have you changed DU?” and “Share a Meaningful DU experience.”

Through this process, we collected hundreds of sticky notes detailing peoples' thoughts and memories, and community members were able to read other members’ stories and gain a clearer, fuller picture of the DU community. 



Past Event: Launch Lunch


On April 26th, DU kicked-off the Community + Values initiative with over 500 faculty, staff and students brainstorming over lunch, as well as community members could participate online.


Past Event: Winter and Spring Outreach Meetings



DU community members engaged in conversation with various leaders from across campus around the purpose of the DU IMPACT 2025 initiative and if it was worthwhile to undertake as a community. Our convening group asked groups from across campus questions such as “how do we intentionally and authentically engage faculty/staff/students/alumni in this process?”, “What could/should this initiative look like?” and more.

Groups we consulted with included student athletes, Pioneer Leadership Program juniors and seniors, Graduate Student Government, Undergraduate Student Government, Faculty Senate, faculty and staff experts, Deans Council, Staff Advisory Council, Cabinet, University Council, Fraternity and Sorority Life students, Staff of Color Association and Alumni Council Task Force, Women’s Leadership Council and alumni affinity group leaders.
