Faculty & Staff

A Team That Understands The Needs Of Gifted Children

We recruit and hire teachers who are certified professionals and who have special training, experience, or advanced degrees in gifted education. Our faculty members are active in both regional and national organizations for gifted education.

In order to meet the needs of gifted students, the faculty and staff must understand the intellectual, social, and emotional needs of gifted children. Professional development and training are key elements in the successful fulfillment of the school's mission. Teachers understand the purpose and importance of using innovative, targeted approaches with learners. They are easily able to discuss and advocate for the varied learning needs of gifted students. These educators are firmly committed and dedicated to the school's philosophy and have a finely tuned understanding of the needs of gifted students.

"As educators, we believe that your children come to school with an ability to construct their own knowledge.  We believe that they are filled with questions and theories about the way the world works and are motivated to test and build upon those theories. We are keenly aware of each child's potential and of his or her right to learn in an encouraging, safe environment, among the company of peers, and under the guidance of professional, caring adults. Our belief in empowering children shapes the guiding principle of our curriculum: knowledge is created through active inquiry."

- Ricks Faculty & Staff

15 Average years of teaching experience

65% hold or are pursuing master's or doctoral degrees

25%+ licensed as teachers of gifted education

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Meet our Connections Teachers


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