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Oral History

Craig Woody, VC Business and Financial Affairs, Chief Financial Officer

Back from the Brink | A Tide of Renewal

Oral History interview with Craig Woody recorded December 7, 2018.


Photo of Craig Woody

Craig Woody began his career at the University of Denver in 1983 as Controller and became Vice Chancellor of Business and Financial Affairs and Chief Financial Officer in 1994. In this interview Craig describes what he found at DU in 1984 including declining enrollments and substantial operating deficits. He reflects on the efforts by Dwight Smith and other members of senior staff to turn things around.

He discusses the changes that occurred after Daniel Ritchie became chancellor in 1989 including a focus on improving business systems and the quality of the student experience. Craig describes changes implemented in the budgeting process and the adoption of an incentive policy known as gain share that together helped strengthen the University's balance sheet and allowed for new building construction and renovations. He touches on actions taken to improve the university's bond rating which enabled the university to re-purpose funds into things that added value for students. He highlights the University's focus on quality outcomes and the value that is placed on students and student success. Read full transcript.