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Oral History

Victor (Vic) Quinn, Long-serving Outside Counsel to University of Denver

Perfect Storm | Back from the Brink | A Tide of Renewal

Oral History interview with Victor Quinn recorded January 10, 2019.


Photo of Victor Quinn

In addition to a distinguished legal career serving a wide variety of clients, Victor (Vic) Quinn served as DU's outside legal counsel for some 50 years. Vic was born in Whetmore, Colorado in 1931 and graduated from CU law school in 1955.

In this interview Vic shares stories about his youth in Colorado, his college years and his first position following graduation from law school. He reveals how he came to be involved with the university and reflects on the changing economic environment prior to the troubling financial period of 1984 to 1989. Vic discusses the acquisition of the Colorado Women's College (CWC), construction of the law school on the CWC campus and the effect that these and other activities had on the University.

Vic describes Dan Ritchie as the savior of the university. He emphasizes his leadership and sense of optimism and discusses the donations he made to the university through the sale of his ranches. Victor highlights the enthusiasm of the board and faculty and how they banded together to save the university and make it jewel. Read interview transcript.