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Oral History

Professor Barry Hughes

The Perfect Storm | Back from the Brink | Building for the Future

Oral history interview of Professor Barry Hughes recorded on August 19, 2019.

Interview abstract

Photo of Barry Hughes

Dr. Barry Hughes spent a decade teaching at Case Western Reserve University before coming to the University of Denver's Graduate School of International Studies in 1980.

In this interview, Barry reflects on the serious financial problems faced by DU in the mid-1980's and his decision to remain at the University through those challenging times. He highlights his work designing an undergraduate international studies program which, became the second largest undergraduate major at the University. He touches on how he was tapped to become provost for graduate studies in 1990 and the challenges associated with that position.

Barry emphasizes that he continued to work on his computer software system called International Futures (IFs) throughout his time at DU and reveals why he chose to resign as Provost for Graduate Studies in 2000 to focus on his research. Barry discusses how he met Frederick Pardee and how that relationship led to the Fredrick S. Pardee Center for International Futures at DU. He notes the many world organizations and national governments that have utilized the IF's program to guide decision-making. Barry shares his thoughts on empowerment and transparency, values that guided him throughout his career. Read interview transcript.