International Studies

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Dual Degree
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Adult Education
Description 1

Engage the great global challenges of our time: security and human rights, poverty and economic inequality, climate change and environmental sustainability, gender equality and the state of democracy. Courses in politics and economics, language and culture, and environment and public health make for a truly interdisciplinary international studies program that can turn your aspirations into action.

Description 2

We prepare you for careers in the international arena not only by developing your practical tech and communications skills, offering a rich array of study abroad options, and providing real-world learning experiences. Our alumni are business C-level executives, international diplomats, NGO leaders, politicians, lawyers and other public service professionals. Notable alumni of the Korbel school include Condoleeza Rice, Massouma Al-Mubarak, Heraldo Muñoz and General George W. Casey.

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We are working to address the great global challenges of our time: security and human rights, economic inequality, climate change and environmental sustainability, gender equality and the state of democracy. Courses in politics and economics, language and culture, and environment and public health make for a truly interdisciplinary international studies program that can transform your aspirations into action.

We prepare students for careers in the international arena not only by helping to develop your practical, analytical, and communications skills, but also through offering a rich array of study abroad options and providing real-world learning experiences. You'll find our alumni amongst business C-suite executives, international diplomats, non-profit leaders, politicians, lawyers and other public service professionals. Notable alumni of the Korbel school include Condoleezza Rice, Massouma Al-Mubarak, Heraldo Muñoz and General George W. Casey. 

See our undergraduate brochure and program insert for even more information.

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All international studies undergraduates choose at least one area of specialization and must successfully complete at least three upper-division INTS courses within that area. This allows you to add depth to your studies and develop an area of focus within the field of international studies.

Specialization Areas

  • Global Economic Affairs
  • Global Health and Development
  • Global Governance and Human Rights
  • International Peace and Security
  • Global Environmental Sustainability

Critical Experiences

Foreign Language Requirement

Learning a foreign language is an important part of the International Studies major. The foreign language proficiency requirement may be satisfied (a) if you successfully complete the intermediate sequence of courses in one foreign language at the University of Denver with a C- or better, or (b) if you pass an intermediate-level test administered by the Center for World Languages and Cultures.

Study Abroad Requirement

All International Studies students study abroad and are limited to applying a maximum of 13.5 quarter credit hours toward the INTS major. Courses must be pre-approved by the BA program office prior to the start of the study abroad program.

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