Mechanical Engineering

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Dual Degree
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Adult Education
Description 1

Mechanical engineering is essential to the design and manufacture of most of the items and technologies that we use every day. From sports equipment to public transportation infrastructure to oil platforms, mechanical engineers are responsible not only for conceiving and designing these crucial elements of modern life, but also for ensuring they are manufactured and utilized efficiently and sustainably. Our Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering program features small classes, dedicated faculty and the opportunity to begin conducting original research early in your undergraduate career.

Description 2

The BS in mechanical engineering gives you the chance to collaborate with peers and faculty on research in such areas as bioengineering, composite materials, fatigue, atmospheric science, mechanisms and nondestructive evaluation. We offer assistance in finding internships and co-ops that can deepen your education and help you develop skills that will be desirable to a variety of employers. Graduates of the program can find employment in fields such as health technology, transportation and much more. Additionally, many graduates choose to continue on to more advanced degrees.

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The bachelor of science in mechanical engineering is a four-year integrated engineering sequence stressing engineering design and project work, much of which is interdisciplinary and involves constructive teamwork. Graduates with a BS in mechanical engineering can design, develop, build and test mechanical thermal sensors and devices, including tools, engines and machines. Mechanical engineering requires a minimum of 192 credits, comprised of DU common curriculum, required degree courses and technical electives.

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My favorite part of studying engineering at DU was the small class sizes because it helped me form relationships with my professors. I think the program has helped me with learning how to network and sell myself, which is going to come in very handy trying to break into the aerospace field.

Maddy Drosendahl, Class of 2018

It's a really good sign that you're a problem solver, that you're a hard worker, and that you're ready to take on the world.

Breigh Roszelle, Teaching Associate Professor, Mechanical and Systems Engineering

That’s one thing that makes DU so special…The professors really seem to care, and they are passionate about what they do, and they get you excited about things.

Jim Lentz, Alum and Executive Officer Toyota Motor North America

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Take the first step toward your academic career at the Ritchie School.

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Mechanical Engineering: Bachelor's Degree