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You’re Invited! The Second Annual 4D Symposium

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Jeremy Haefner

Letter  •

Dear DU community members,

The University of Denver’s 4D Experience is our unique framework for holistic education. It is how we ensure every single DU student has what they need for a meaningful, purpose-driven life. And it is how we are going far beyond the world’s expectations of higher ed.

On May 18, the University of Denver will host our second-annual 4D Experience Symposium. The entire DU community is invited to attend the day’s events.  

4D Experience Symposium

Thursday May 18 | 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Community Commons

Register Now

The 4D Symposium is a day dedicated to building universal understanding of how the 4D Experience comes to life for DU’s students—and how it sets them up to thrive here on campus and long after. There are many sessions to choose from:  

  • Hear how a marketing course series in the Daniels College of Business is incorporating mentorship, reflection, and immersive experiences – core tenets of the 4D Experience – into the curriculum to ensure career readiness.
  • Attend a workshop to dig into how reflection can be woven into existing programs and classes, and why it should.
  • Attend a session about how DU professors are currently prioritizing student well-being in graduate and undergraduate settings.
  • Learn how compassion leads to strength of character, and how DU can foster it across our entire DU community.

This is just a sampling of the day’s programming. There are many sessions to attend, as well as follow-up workshops on Friday, May 19, led by a life-design expert from Stanford University. To learn more, and to register, visit the 4D Symposium website.

There are countless individuals and teams across the University bringing the DU 4D Experience to life so our students can receive the best possible education. This symposium is just one way we can celebrate that work.  

Thank you, and I hope to see you all there.  


Jeremy Haefner
