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Why Acknowledge Equal Pay Day?

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Nancy Reichman

CWC Research Director

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Equal Pay Day (March 31) is a day which symbolizes how far into the year the average woman must work to earn what men earned in the previous year.

In 2018, full-time working women earned on average 82 cents for every white male full-time-earned dollar. This reflects a gap of 19% percent (which is up from 2016), according to data reported by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research.

The gaps for women of color are significantly greater.

And although each year we can see some variation in the numbers reported, depending on the data that is used to calculate the earnings ratio, the fact remains: Pay gaps persist, and have remained relatively unchanged in the last decade.

Take a moment to reflect on why this matters to you, your family and your community. Then, share, comment and start a discussion on this post on our Facebook page about why equal pay matters. #EquityIs