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Updates to Leadership Organization Structure at DU

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Jeremy Haefner

Letter  •

Dear DU faculty and staff members,

Informed by good feedback from the Chancellor’s Cabinet and DU’s Board of Trustees, I have recently evaluated the organizational structure of DU’s leadership. This structure, which includes reporting lines, should function to best serve the institution and its students, faculty, and staff. As well, the decision of two senior vice chancellors (chief financial officer and the chief of staff /board secretary) to leave DU this year created a new opportunity to ensure DU’s leadership is best and most efficiently structured.  

And so, I am pleased to announce a new cabinet position: senior vice chancellor of operations & strategy implementation (SVC OSI). This role will better align our leadership model with higher ed best practices and support the university’s strategic vision. The chief of staff position will no longer be held at a senior vice chancellor level. As such and importantly, the creation of the new SVC OSI role does not increase the number of vice chancellors in DU’s administration. The updated reporting lines will be organized as follows:

Reporting to the chancellor:


Business and Financial Affairs

Operations and Strategy Implementation

General Counsel


Marketing and Communications

Student Affairs

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion



Reporting to the senior vice chancellor of operations and strategy implementation:

Equal Opportunity/Title IX

Ombuds Office

Human Resources

Campus Safety

Conference and Event Services

Kennedy Mountain Campus, Wellness, and Recreation

Enterprise Risk Management

Information Technology


Reporting to the provost and executive vice chancellor:


Government Relations and Community Affairs

Enrollment Division (Undergraduate and Financial Aid)

Office of Graduate Education

Vice provosts

A search committee will be tasked with finding exceptional candidates for the SVC OSI position soon. More details will be shared at that time. I am proud of what we have already accomplished, and I look forward to the good work we will do for DU and the DU community together going forward.


Jeremy Haefner