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There Is Life After College

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Jon Stone

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Jon Stone

Best-selling author shares advice for students, parents and high school counselors

There is Life After College book cover

“How you go to college is more important than where you go to launch into the job market,” says Jeff Selingo, a New York Times best-selling author and Washington Post columnist.

Selingo is coming to the University of Denver on Tuesday, Oct 4, to share the advice and insights students need to jump-start their careers after college. He shares these recommendations in his new book, “There is Life After College: What Parents and Students Should Know About Navigating School to Prepare for the Jobs of Tomorrow.”

Jeff Selingo
Jeff Selingo

“As I crisscrossed the country talking about the college of tomorrow, young adults told me how they were moving from internship to internship without ever finding full-time work,” Selingo says. “Parents asked me what their kids who had just graduated from college without getting a full-time job had done wrong. High school guidance counselors wondered what advice they should give to students considering college.”

Selingo says that was the motivation for writing this new book. “Students need to spend as much time and effort in figuring out how they are going to spend their undergraduate years as they do figuring out where they will go to college.”

Selingo says there is a good reason for why he decided to bring this conversation to the University of Denver. “A college’s physical place matters more than ever before to its graduates’ ultimate success in the job market,” he says. “Students in urban places, like Denver, are better able to find the kinds of internships and work experiences nearby that are necessary to gain the skills employers want.”

Karen Riley, dean of the Morgridge College of Education, will host the conversation with Selingo. “Over the past several decades the role of higher education has changed, with an increased emphasis on preparing students for the workforce,” Riley says. “Morgridge wants to be a part of these critical discussions about the value of higher education.”

Tuesday’s conversation and question-and-answer session with the audience is free and open to the public. For more information, click here.