A University of Denver Podcast

What is RadioEd?

You know that feeling when you read the news and have so many more questions? We know people like you. We are people like you. RadioEd taps into the University of Denver’s deep pool of bright brains to explore new takes on today’s top stories.

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About Us

Hi there. I'm Emma Atkinson, the producer and host of RadioEd. As a writer in the DU Newsroom, I'm tuned in to all the goings-on around campus ­— from following research and student programs to keeping up with alumni and Denver-area news. Our job is to suss out the most interesting research our hard-working faculty are producing and take a deep dive into the story of their work. Every three weeks, we answer the most burning research questions that inquisitive minds (and open ears) just have to know. Join us on the airwaves — or on Twitter — as we investigate topical, compelling and even unusual research stories and the people behind them.