Fall Sustainability Update
Dear Colleagues,
The University of Denver recognizes sustainability as a core value and vital to our vision of being a great private university dedicated to the public good. We know that sustainability and social justice are inextricably linked — that these grand challenges must be simultaneously addressed. We are committed to exercising leadership in our community and throughout society by providing the knowledge, research and curriculum to produce informed graduates who are able to create a positive, just and sustainable future.
As we begin this new year, the reporting for Center for Sustainability has moved to the Provost's Office and we are re-launching the Sustainability Council under a new charter. This charter calls for representation from across campus for council meetings. These representatives will be a liaison to their respective departments and an active participant in one of the council committees. They will help develop projects and policies that advance our sustainability goals and report valuable information from departmental practices. As always, in addition to liaisons from specific departments, participation in the council is open to anyone on DU’s campus that wants to contribute to meeting our sustainability goals.
Through this new charter and the University’s commitment to sustainability, under the direction of the Sustainability Council and the Office of the Provost, the University will:
- Fully embrace sustainability and address climate change in our operations by reducing greenhouse gas emissions in our approach to managing the built environment, energy, water, dining, purchasing, policies and transportation operations
- Integrate sustainability into the curriculum, research, co-curricular experience and campus operations; we will better serve our students and meet their social mandate to help create a vital, ethical and prosperous civil society
- Work with community partners in the public and private sector to ensure a thriving local economy, a sustainable urban environment, and an equitable human community
More information is forthcoming from your department leaders on how you can participate. In the meantime, we invite you to learn more about the Sustainability Council and DU’s campus sustainability efforts. You are also invited to attend the Sustainability Council Quarterly Meeting on Thursday, Oct. 22 from 12:30–2 p.m.
We need everyone on campus working together to reach our aggressive sustainability goals and clearly report on our successes. We need your creativity and expertise of our community. Whether on the council or through your own small, daily contributions, we look forward to our partnership as we work to become a leader in sustainable practices and better the greater University of Denver community.
Best regards,
Corinne Lengsfeld
Senior Vice Provost for Research & Graduate Education
Chad King
Executive Director for Sustainability