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DU Working to Improve Principal Preparation

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Jon Stone

Media Relations Manager

Jon Stone


The University of Denver’s Morgridge College of Education has been selected to participate in a national effort to improve principal preparation programs.

The Wallace Foundation

The Wallace Foundation selected seven universities to redesign their programs. Each of those universities then selected a partner program, known for high-quality training, to serve as mentors and support the redesign process. Both Florida Atlantic University and North Carolina State University selected the Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Department (ELPS) in the Morgridge College to help in their redesign process.

Karen Riley

“This is a great honor, and we are thrilled to be acknowledged by the Wallace Foundation as well as by our colleagues across the nation,” says Karen Riley, dean of the Morgridge College. “Preparing and supporting leaders in education is one of the most important things that we do in the Morgridge College of Education.”

The Wallace Foundation’s University Principal Preparation Initiative is committing $47 million to the redesign effort over the next four years. With the funding, the seven universities will review their policies pertaining to university-based principal training and determine if changes would encourage the development of more effective preparation programs.

Susan Korach

“School leadership is a powerful driver behind school improvement, with impact on both student and teacher outcomes,” says Susan Korach, department chair of ELPS. “The preparation of our school leaders is a critical lever, and we are very excited to be part of this national project focused on improving principal preparation and district/university partnerships.”

As part of the initiative, each university will also partner with at least three school districts to make sure the changes made keep local schools in mind.

“The networks and partnerships that are a part of this project provide a platform for impact across the field of educational leadership preparation,” says Korach.