Timothy Sisk

Timothy D. Sisk


What I do

Professor of International and Comparative Politics

Professional Biography

Timothy D. Sisk is Professor of International and Comparative Politics at the Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver. His research, teaching and policy-oriented work focuses on armed conflict and political violence together with understanding and evaluation of processes of conflict prevention, management, and peacebuilding in fragile and post-war contexts. He teaches graduate and undergraduate courses on comparative politics, politics of deeply divided societies, elections and conflict dynamics, and sport and international politics.

Sisk has conducted extensive research on the role of international and regional organizations, particularly the United Nations, in peace operations, peacemaking, and peacebuilding. Prior to joining the University of Denver in 1998, Prof. Sisk was a Program Officer and Research Scholar in the Grant Program of the United States Institute of Peace in Washington D.C. He holds a doctoral degree in political science from The George Washington University and an MA in international journalism and BA in international studies and German from Baylor University.


  • Ph.D., Political Science, The George Washington University, 1992
  • MA, International Journalism, Baylor University, 1984
  • BA, Foreign Service and German, Baylor University, 1982

Licensure / Accreditations

  • CITI IRB Chair

Professional Affiliations

  • International Studies Association
  • Academic Council on the United Nations System