Sexual Health

Our sexual health is an important dimension of our overall wellbeing, and we want to support everyone’s unique wellness journey! 

While some of our needs will naturally differ, when it comes to sex, everyone is deserving “of the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination, and violence” (The World Health Organization, 2024). 

We support students as they explore and develop personal agency over their sexual health by:

  • encouraging open conversations around pleasure, boundaries, and consent, 
  • providing safer sex supplies (external condoms, dental dams, lubricant, emergency contraception, etc.), 
  • hosting free STI testing clinics, 
  • referring students to DU-based resources and community-based resources, 
  • and offering sexual health education in the form of: 
  • digital resources, 
  • customizable workshops, 
  • community events, 
  • resource tabling, 
  • etc. 

Are you a current DU student interested in ordering free safer sex supplies? Use this form to find out what's available and to make your request! Someone from the Thrive Health Promotion Team will follow up with you soon to coordinate your pick-up! Explore the menu below to learn more about some sexual health basics.