Health & Counseling Fee (HCF)
Similar to a technology fee or student activity fee, the Health & Counseling Fee (HCF) is assessed to most DU students, but is not a charge for individual services or coverage.
Rather, the Fee supports prevention education and wellness services available to all students, such as 24/7 medical and mental health consultations, Health Promotion education events and supplies, and no-cost services as needed from CAPE (the Center for Advocacy, Prevention, & Empowerment) and the Collegiate Recovery Program.
The Fee also decreases the cost of medical and counseling service at the HCC when you use them, including:
- Low co-payments for counseling and medical appointments ($20 for primary care)
- Discounted in-house medications
- Discounted laboratory tests
- Discounted procedures
While co-pays and additional charges remain the student's responsibility, when combined with the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP), the personal costs for direct services are even lower.
*DU students in completely online or certificate programs are not eligible to enroll in SHIP or receive services at the HCC.
2024-25 Health & Counseling Fee Costs
- Quarter Students: $241 per Quarter
- Semester Students: $362 per Semester (As the term is shorter, summer semester cost is same as summer quarter.)