Health & Counseling Fee (HCF)

Similar to a technology fee or student activity fee, the Health & Counseling Fee (HCF) is assessed to most DU students, but is not a charge for individual services or coverage.

Rather, the Fee supports prevention education and wellness services available to all students, such as 24/7 medical and mental health consultations, Health Promotion education events and supplies, and no-cost services as needed from CAPE (the Center for Advocacy, Prevention, & Empowerment) and the Collegiate Recovery Program.

The Fee also decreases the cost of medical and counseling service at the HCC when you use them, including:

  • Low co-payments for counseling and medical appointments ($20 for primary care)
  • Discounted in-house medications
  • Discounted laboratory tests
  • Discounted procedures

While co-pays and additional charges remain the student's responsibility, when combined with the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP), the personal costs for direct services are even lower.

*DU students in completely online or certificate programs are not eligible to enroll in SHIP or receive services at the HCC.


2024-25 Health & Counseling Fee Costs

  • Quarter Students: $241 per Quarter
  • Semester Students: $362 per Semester (As the term is shorter, summer semester cost is same as summer quarter.)

How to Enroll in the Health & Counseling Fee (HCF)

The HCF will be automatically assessed (added to the student’s DU bill) each academic term for all eligible students. Details are under expandable headings above.

Eligible students who initially waive the HCF, or do not have it assessed (based on program type), but still wish to receive the service benefits, can manually enroll using the DocuSign form below. A plain PDF version of the form is also provided for informational access.

Once signed, the DocuSign document will be automatically submitted to the HCC for processing (no need for a separate email).