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ODEI Announces Funding for Programming and Learning about Antiracism

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Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Announcement  •
Campus Life  •

The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ODEI) alongside Human Resources and Inclusive Communities and Student Affairs and Inclusive Excellence has launched the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Action Plan that will guide our work during the 2020-2021 academic year. One of our action items is to facilitate substantive discussions throughout the year on exploring the term antiracism and its implications for DU. These conversations will revolve around specific outcomes to make recommendations to the DEI Steering Committee and inform new strategic priorities at the university as well as unit-level strategic planning and programming. 

We are soliciting proposals up to $5,000 from University of Denver students, staff, and faculty representing departments, offices, units, and campus organizations to support programming and/or learning opportunities to explore antiracism. As you consider submitting a proposal, here are a few questions to guide your thinking.

  1. What is antiracism? 
  2. Where has antiracism been practiced at DU/in your area?  In what ways has DU/your area fallen short of or engaged in antiracism? 
  3. What are antiracism’s implications in the context of DU’s past, present, and future?  

Examples of such programming may include (but are not limited to) lectures, workshops, panel discussions, movie reviews, challenges, or a speaker series.

 Application Components: 

Applications for funding will need to include a written statement, no longer than 2 pages single spaced, that describes the following: 

  1. Background and Overview - Explain how the programming/learning opportunity will engage the department/office/unit and (if relevant) build on previous DEI work. Priority will be given to those engagements that involve more than one department, division, office, or organization and that envision larger campus-wide involvement. 
  2. Objectives - Please use Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy or the 6 Dimensions of Significant Learning to frame your objectives vis-a-vis at least ONE of the three guiding questions above and how you will move attendees toward more extensive Knowledge Dimensions in one of these areas.  
  3. Scope of Work and Timeline - A detailed description and purpose of the learning opportunity, including intended audience, advertisement, a timeline of the event, follow-up engagements, etc.  
  4. Evaluation and Assessment - Refer to your learning objectives above: how will you assess the extent to which your learning opportunity will achieve your objectives? Note: if you receive funding you will also have to provide a narrative as to how you attended to at least one of the guiding questions above.  
  5. Budget Narrative - We will prioritize those proposals that illustrate a department/office/unit’s willingness to cost-share, as well as those that indicate how this learning opportunity will continue to be fostered with the unit.   
    • Additionally, your application should include an itemized budget for your proposed learning opportunity. This can be in addition to the 2-page application detailed above.   

Review of Applications:  

Applications will be reviewed on a first-come, first-serve basis and no proposal will be accepted after Friday, February 25, 2022 (updated 11/16/21). 

Please email your application documents to  Please send in your application no later than a month prior to the date of your learning opportunity. 

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