Lab Safety

Laboratory safety implements the priority of "safety first" through the emphasis on experiment planning, including habitual attention to risk assessment and consideration of hazards for oneself, one's fellow workers, and the public.

A prudent attitude toward dealing with hazards in the laboratory is characterized by a determination to make every effort to be informed about risks and reduce them to a minimum while recognizing that the notion of ''zero risk" in laboratory operations is an impossible ideal. However, an accident-free workplace can be approached by setting a goal of zero incidents and zero excuses.

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Safety Data Sheets

A Safety Data Sheet (SDS) provides information about the associated hazards of a chemical. The lab must maintain an SDS, either a physical hard copy or electronically, for all chemicals used. You have a right to know about the hazards associated of the chemicals in your lab. Refer to these links below regarding SDS’. If you cannot locate an SDS for a chemical in your lab speak with your PI or contact the EH&S Manager.