Marketing Efforts Review Working Group

Charge: This working group will make recommendations to consolidate and combine graduate enrollment marketing efforts and investments with the goal to reduce costs but retain and build applicant pools. Building on current knowledge about data, systems, and marketing intelligence, this group will base its recommendations on the research findings and analysis from the recent Carnegie Dartlet reputation strategy work. It will also develop processes for lead generation, referrals, and marketing strategy across units.  

Timeframe: This group will summarize findings for senior administration and the Board of Trustees by February 28, 2021. 


  • Renea Morris 

    Vice Chancellor, Marketing and Communications 



  • Leia Liberatore 

    Director of Procurement Services, Shared Services 

  • Brittani McClendon 

    Senior Manager of Marketing and Communications, Office of Graduate Education 

  • David Thomas 

    Executive Director, Online Programming 

  • Rachel Balows 


    Direct of Communications, Undergraduate Admissions 

  • Patty Hickman 

    Director of Graduate Career and Professional Development  

  • Chris Nicholson 

    Assistant Dean of Enrollment Management, Marketing and Partnerships, University College 

  • Jodi Dye 

    Director of Admission, Morgridge College of Education  

  • Randi Eskanos 

    Director of Marketing, Daniels College of Business  

  • Hope Wisneski 

    Associate Dean, Operations Chief of Staff, Graduate School of Social Work 

  • Julie Schellman

    Director of Enrollment, Graduate School of Professional Psychology

  • Daniel Doerr 

    Director of Graduate Enrollment, Korbel School of International Studies 

  • Keri Ungemah 

    Assistant Dean of Communications and Chief of Staff, Sturn College of Law 

  • Tali Koziol Thomason 

    Director of Marketing, Communications and Events, Ritchie School of Engineering and Computer Science  

  • Laura Ralston 

    Director of Graduate Recruitment and Admissions, College of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences  

  • Nathan Willers 

    Director of Communications, College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics 


Staff Support:

  • Jessica Kibble

    Director of Operations, Marketing and Communications