Trauma & Trust

Peacebuilding in Ruptured Social Systems Conference 2016


Trauma and Trust: Peacebuilding in Ruptured Social Systems

Keynote Speakers:

Monnica Williams

"Understanding Race-Based Stress and Trauma" 

Monnica Williams


Judith Herman

"The Meanings of Justice to Trauma Survivors"

Judith Herman



David Anderson Hooker

"Formation of RADICL Identities - Reconciliation in the Context of Irreparable Harms"

David Anderson Hooker



Bob Williams

"Applying Systems Thinking to the Design and Evaluation of Peacebuilding and Trauma Interventions"

Bob Williams

Theresa Betancourt

"Trauma and Mental Health in the Lives of Youth: Pathways to Building Peace in Sierra Leone"

Theresa Betancourt

Event Galleries

Applying Systems Thinking to Design and Evaluation of Peacebuilding and Trauma Intervention

  • Conference participants brainstorming
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Trauma and Trust: Peacebuilding in Ruptured Social Systems

  • conference participants posing
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When Inequality is Pervasive, Can We Go On Together? Transforming Conflict. . . Choosing Community.

  • presenter at table
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People-Centered Peacebuilding in the 21st Century

  • Conference attendees around table
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THE DAY AFTER: How To Bridge the Partisan Divide No Matter Who Wins On Election Day

  • Presenter speaking to crowd
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