Frequently Asked Questions for Graduates
I am earning my doctoral or Master’s degree. How do I register for graduation?
Registration is now open. Please click here to register. Graduates will have through Tuesday, May 13 to submit their registration.
Graduates earning their doctoral or Master’s degree should register for either the Crimson Ceremony or the Gold Ceremony, aligning with their academic unit.
I am earning my Bachelor’s degree. How do I register for graduation?
Registration is now open. Please click here to register. Graduates will have through Tuesday, May 13 to submit their registration.
Graduates earning their Bachelor’s degree may choose between the Rose Ceremony or the Oak Ceremony. Graduates should coordinate with friends, classmates, family members, etc. to choose their preference. Registration is first-come, first-served for the Rose and Oak ceremonies.
What are the references to the names of the individual ceremonies (Crimson, Gold, Rose, and Oak)?
DU’s colors, crimson and gold, have served the institution throughout much of its vibrant history. Crimson shares DU’s passion and determination to succeed, while gold signifies the bright future we see on the horizon.
The DU Rose, also known as the “Rosa Denvera” got its start when the University received a rose bush as a gift in 1912. DU botanist Ira Cutler discovered the blossoms were unlike any others, so he used the original specimens to develop a distinct crimson-and-gold variety, descendants of which are planted throughout campus.
DU’s Chester M. Alter Arboretum is home to about 2,100 trees and woody plants representing more than 427 species and varieties. The Arboretum includes many significant mature trees, along with 10 state champions, the largest specimens of their particular species growing in Colorado. The Harper Humanities Garden showcases an oak tree planted in 1965 by “Lady Bird” Johnson, the wife of President Lydon B. Johnson.
How do I order my regalia?
Eligible graduates may order regalia through the DU Bookstore beginning on April 14. Please click here on or after April 14 to place your regalia order. Regalia may be picked up at the DU Bookstore beginning on May 2.
How many tickets will I receive?
Upon registering for commencement, graduates will automatically be allocated nine tickets.
Graduates who need extra tickets should coordinate with friends or classmates who are not using their full allotment. If there are any unclaimed tickets, they will be released the week of commencement.
All tickets will be distributed directly to graduates. Graduates themselves do not need a ticket.
When and how do I receive my tickets?
The week of commencement graduates will receive an email from with a hyperlink to the Ritchie Center’s My Account portal. To access the tickets:
- From a mobile device, click Student Login. Graduates who have never accessed this portal before for sporting events can utilize the “Sign In With a Code” option to have a one-time code sent to their DU email.
- After logging in graduates will be on the student ticket homepage.
- Under My Tickets, graduates will be able to see all tickets available for them to share. Look for the tab Transfer Tickets. From there, graduates should see their ceremony information, their nine tickets, and can then transfer tickets to their guests via email or text.
Recipients of the mobile tickets will accept the tickets via the Ritchie Center’s My Account portal.
Where should I park?
Parking around the Ritchie Center will be open and available to graduates and their guests. Parking for commencement is complimentary.
What should I wear?
Graduates must wear proper and complete academic regalia.
Graduates are permitted to wear accessories including cords, pins, sashes, stoles, and/or tassels that have been awarded by their academic unit or student organization. These accessories designate achievement, leadership, membership, or service. Graduates are permitted to decorate their mortarboards.
Graduates are not permitted to carry or display flags.
What should I bring with me?
Please bring your DU ID. Do not bring bags or purses; there is no place to store items during the ceremonies.
Are there any security protocols for graduates?
All graduates will enter through security stations with magnetometers. Graduates’ robes must be unzipped while proceeding through security.
Prohibited items include: artificial noise makers including instruments, air horns, cow bells, whistles, vuvuzelas, etc.; animals (excluding service animals); balloons; balls; banners; bottles and cans; candles or open flames; confetti; coolers; derogatory/defamatory clothing; firearms or weapons of any kind; fireworks; flags; flyers and handouts; frisbees or other projectiles; glitter; laser pens or laser products of any type; outside food and beverage of any kind; poles and sticks; projectiles; selfie sticks; signs; ski or non-medical masks (medical masks are permitted); tents; umbrellas; and anything else that would interfere with other guests’ ability to see, hear, and/or enjoy the ceremony.
How do I request an ADA accommodation?
Please be in touch with Student Disability Services at (303) 871-3241 or
What time should I arrive, and where do I need to go once I arrive at the Ritchie Center?
Please arrive at least one hour prior to your ceremony time. Graduates must enter the building through Hamilton Gymnasium, at the northwest doors adjacent to the Barton Lacrosse Field. Graduates will be checked in by staff from the Registrar’s Office. Doors to Hamilton will open one and half hours prior to the ceremony.
How long will the commencement ceremonies last?
Each ceremony will last approximately 2 hours. A University Reception, with light food and beverages, will be held outside of the Ritchie Center following each ceremony.
For those participating in a morning ceremony, what time should we make lunch reservations?
For graduates and guests attending a 9:30 a.m. ceremony, we recommend a lunch reservation at 1:00 p.m.
After the ceremony graduates and their guests can have time to take photos, enjoy the University Reception, and then travel away from campus for lunch. There is a great deal of pedestrian and vehicular traffic around the Ritchie Center on commencement days, so please give yourself enough time.
For those participating in an afternoon ceremony, what time should we make dinner reservation?
For graduates and guests attending a 2:30 p.m. ceremony, we recommend a dinner reservation at 6:30 p.m. or later.
After the ceremony ends graduates and their guests can have time to take photos, enjoy the University Reception, and then travel away from campus for dinner. There is a great deal of pedestrian and vehicular traffic around the Ritchie Center on commencement days, so please give yourself enough time.
How can I order a class ring, graduation announcements, a diploma frame, etc.?
Please visit the DU Bookstore here.
How and when will I receive my commencement photos?
A professional photography team will capture two photos of all graduates, both a formal portrait and a photo of the graduate walking across the stage. Proofs will be emailed to graduates approximately one month after commencement.
When will I receive my diploma?
The Office of the Registrar will mail diplomas in mid-summer. Please be sure that your preferred address is updated with DU.
Is there anything else I should know?
We are so proud of our graduates and delight in their accomplishments. We hope that graduates and their guests have a wonderful time celebrating together on campus. Please contact us if you have other concerns or questions, or if we may be of further assistance. Congratulations to the Class of 2025!