Professional Biography
My research focuses on mental health, well-being, and recovery of persons with mental health problems, rather than on treating illnesses. Since 2002, I have studied the connection between time use and mental health, attitudes and stigma, and have developed evidence-based psychosocial interventions to support work, education and housing that empowers the individual. Developing a positive psychiatry that becomes an integral part of society is central for this. Another focus regards implementation research, about the translation of evidence into regular practice.
I am a professor in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research at Lund University and the Research and Development Department at Region Skåne, Lund Sweden. Since 2016 I lead the research network of Centre for Evidence-based Psychosocial Interventions ( I am also a steering board member of the Swedish Society of Behavioral Medicine at Karolinska Institute, and at The Birgit Rausing Centre for Medical Humanities at Lund University. I am also a core member of the IPS-Europe network that started in 2020, as well as the current Inter-University Consortium.