Tamra Pearson d'Estrée
Professor; Faculty Coordinator, Conflict Engagement & Resolution Initiative
303-871-6061 (Office)
2201 S. Gaylord St., Sie Complex Suite 2103 - Room 2107, Denver, CO 80208
Professional Biography
Tamra Pearson d’Estrée is Professor of Conflict Resolution in the Josef Korbel School of International Studies. Her research interests include identity and interaction dimensions of intergroup conflicts, reconciliation, peacebuilding, Track Two diplomacy, and processes for intergroup conflict resolution, particularly in the Middle East, Anatolia, and the Caucasus, where she also has engaged in conflict resolution practice. Her current peacebuilding research explores the benefits and pitfalls of environmental peacebuilding. Her current policy research explores how immigrant integration policies and frameworks interact with community attitudes and behavior toward Muslim immigrants. She also teaches and does research on collaborative processes of environmental policy formation and implementation. Other research interests include the evaluation of international, community, and environmental conflict resolution. She also coordinates DU’s Conflict Engagement and Resolution Initiative. She has a PhD in Social Psychology from Harvard University.
Ph.D., Social Psychology, Harvard University, 1990
MA, Cognitive Psychology, Social Psychology, Harvard University, 1987
BA, University of Colorado, Boulder
Job History
Director, Conflict Resolution Institute, University of Denver
- Led trainings and facilitated interactive problem-solving workshops in various inter-communal conflict contexts, including Israel-Palestine, Ethiopia, and in US intertribal disputes
- Directed projects aimed at conflict resolution capacity-building in Israel-Palestine, the Caribbean, Ukraine, and Georgia
- Served as an evaluation consultant to several programs of non-governmental organizations as well as UNESCO, UNDP, USAID, and USIECR
- Worked to develop evaluation frameworks for community mediation centers, for university based mediation centers, for interactive conflict resolution interventions, and for peacebuilding initiatives
Associate Professor, Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University (1998-2002)
Assistant Professor in Psychology, Communication, and Fellow, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, University of Arizona (1990-1997)
Fellow, Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy, University of Arizona (1992-1993)