Study the Diversity of Human Experience

Expand your understanding of the world by immersing yourself in the study of its languages, literatures and cultures. Our small, interactive classes and faculty experts integrate language learning with in-depth inquiry into multicultural understanding. Opportunities for study abroad, internships and out-of-classroom experiences mean you can apply this understanding across local and global communities. 

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Our Programs

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Language skills meet cultural knowledge across our nine programs, which include four majors and eight minors. Whether you're studying Italian art in Florence, celebrating Japanese Culture Day on campus or diving into cultural and historic roots through French literature, our programs prepare you to be an informed international citizen.

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Spanish Language, Literary and Cultural Studies is now its own department at DU.

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  • Language students studying abroad.
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Center for World Languages & Cultures

The Center for World Languages & Cultures at the University of Denver provides all placement testing and language courses at the first-year level.

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The Committee for Comparative Literature

The Committee for Comparative Literature brings together the Department of English, LL&C and Spanish Language, Literary and Cultural Studies to provide events, lectures, readings and more.

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Study Abroad at DU

Immerse yourself in linguistic and cultural communities by studying abroad. Both DU and the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures offer study abroad programming. 

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