What does the Office of Internal Audit do?
Internal Audit staff work with departments across campus to assist management in improving the effectiveness and efficiency of University operations and complying with federal and state requirements and DU policies.
We conduct audits to measure the strength of internal controls and identify any gaps that may put the University at unnecessary or unacceptable risk.
How do you choose which departments to audit?
Each year, we analyze the relative risk of various University operations. We create an audit plan, which we discuss with our Board of Trustees, the chancellor and others to determine which areas we will focus on in the upcoming fiscal year.
Learn more about how we choose what to audit.
My department is being audited. What do I need to do, and what should I expect?
If we choose to audit your operations, we’ll discuss that with the senior management of the area.
Click to read about the auditing process.
How long does an audit take?
Audits can range from days to several months. If we choose to audit your operations, we’ll give your area’s management an estimate of how long we expect the review to take during our audit planning. We’ll also update you throughout the audit process, and we’ll let you know of any changes in the timeline.
How do I request assistance from Internal Audit?
Sometimes areas would like objective assistance with a particular process or question. You can reach the Internal Audit staff by emailing us.
I'd like to report suspicious activity or practices. How do I file a report?
Visit the Internal Audit Hotline page to learn how to anonymously alert our office to concerns about accounting, internal control, compliance, and auditing matters.