Title IX & Sexual Misconduct
The Office of Equal Opportunity & Title IX, in collaboration with University partners, works to build and maintain a safe, gender-equitable environment for students, faculty and staff in all aspects of educational programming and employment. We are responsible for ensuring compliance with the University's non-discrimination policies related to:
Sexual Harassment
Sexual Assault
Dating Violence
Domestic Violence
DU is committed to providing support and assistance to all members of our campus community who are impacted by gender-based discrimination, harassment, and violence, including sexual assault, relationship or dating violence, and stalking. DU is committed to developing best practices to respond to and prevent sexual assaults.
In order to carry out these responsibilities, the Office:
- Receives and reviews all reports of gender-based discrimination, harassment and violence on campus;
- Keeps records of all reports to evaluate campus needs and to identify patterns that need to be addressed;
- Coordinates outreach to all identified impacted students, faculty and staff to provide:
- Resources for emotional support and system advocacy;
- An overview of options for addressing the discrimination, harassment or violence both on campus and off;
- Assistance with Supportive Measures to assist impacted parties when needed;
- Informal Resolution options for non-violent policy violations;
- Investigations of violations of University Policy related to gender-based discrimination, harassment and violence;
- Consultation, training and education for the campus community;
- Coordination of campus partner efforts to address gender-based discrimination, harassment and violence and to engage in prevention and education efforts.
- Assistance with campus climate survey efforts.