Javier Torre, Spanish Professor at University of Denver

Javier Torre


What I do

I´m a professor of Spanish literature, culture and society. My area of specialization is narratives of travel and exploration, with a special emphasis in contemporary Spain and also in the northern frontier of the viceroyalty of New Spain. I also have an interest in Spanish Film and Theater in performance. I have published 3 books, one edited volume and numerous articles in academic journals.

At DU I have taught the following classes: // SPAN 3990 Senior Seminar – Contemporary Spanish Narrative // SPAN 3990 Senior Seminar – Natives, Settlers, and Explorers in the Spanish Southwest // SPAN 3300 - Travel Narratives // SPAN 3333 - Spanish Surrealism // SPAN 3703 - Spain in the Southwest // SPAN 3703 – Love and Laughter in Spanish Literature and Film // SPAN 3703 - From the Page to the Screen // SPAN 3703 - Spanish Theater in Performance // SPAN 3702 - Intro to Literary and Cultural Analysis // SPAN 3702 - Intro to Spanish Linguistics // SPAN 3702 - Grammar Review // SPAN 2300 - Iberian Culture and Civilization // SPAN 2100 - Spanish Composition and Conversation // SPAN 1001-1003 - Beginning Spanish // FSEM – Travel Writing: Discovering the World and the Self // AHUM – Spain and the Travel Writing Tradition

Professional Biography

I earned my undergraduate degree in 1992 at the University of Valladolid (Spain). I was an Erasmus scholar in Bari (Italy) with a grant from the European Union and pursued Italian Studies at the University of Salamanca (1994). After I finished my degree, I spent a year as a social worker in education and health in Futru-Nkwen (Cameroon) with the Non-Governmental Organization SETEM. Later, I earned my master’s degree at Arizona State University (1996) and my PhD at the University of Virginia (2001).

I have been teaching at the University of Denver since 2001. Besides the institutions where I earned my degrees, I have also taught at the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (Spain), Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo (Spain) and University of Bologna (Italy, as part of a DU study abroad program). I have been the co-director of DU´s faculty led summer study abroad program in Santander, Spain (UIMP) since I created it in 2004.

I am a member of the Editorial Committee of Revista de ALCESXXI: Journal of Contemporary Spanish Literature and Film and of the academic journal Miríada Hispánica. I am also a member of the organizations Anza Society and El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro (CARTA), aimed at preserving and celebrating the Spanish cultural legacy in the U.S.


  • Ph.D., Hispanic Literature, University of Virginia, 2001
  • MA, Latin American Literature, Arizona State University, 1996
  • Licenciatura, Spanish Philology, Universidad de Valladolid, 1992

Licensure / Accreditations

  • Diplomado / Italian Philology
  • Erasmus Scholarship in Bari, Italy

Professional Affiliations

  • American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese
  • Anza Society
  • Asociación de Literatura y Cine Españoles del Siglo XXI
  • Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas
  • Camino Real de Tierra Adentro
  • Centro de Estudios Montañeses
  • International Society for Travel Writing
  • Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association
  • Heterodox Academy